Have a internet enemy you wanna make fun of? Hate minorities? Just wanna make soyjaks with ease? Then follow this guide.
Every Soyjak you know and love/hate has been based off SOMETHING, because its easier to trace they need to make fun of SOMETHING. otherwise its not a soyjak at all.
Click the gear shaped icon at the top, then click on "upload image". select the image of you choice. this will be your image to trace. Set the image to "cover", to prevent distortion.
I'm gonna use this cow as an example.
Set the canvas size to at most 250x250. Then, recreate the MS paint pencil styles(image on left for refrence), select it with the select tool and then click on the new brush icon(not to be confused with the brush TOOL icon) to turn it into a brush.
Here comes the fun part! tracing the head of the image! I usually start with the head shape first, but you can do the face beforehand too. make sure it has glasses, a stubble, head wrinkles and a nose, to get that soyjak feel(always do the stubble last, and keep it slightly simple!).
Finish your soyjak by adding a torso and adding a white(or anything you want) background. If you want, you can add addintional features, like text or details. Now your soyjak is done! (I'm neutral on sprunki, btw)
Now that you have your own soyjak, you can mess with your enemies or represent your anger through some crudely traced image of a man, but honestly, I just recommend being a chill guy who doesnt give a hoot, instead of being a rage-fueled soyteen who spams slurs or something. Just be an awsome person.